About Us

Skills Outside School Foundation is the leading pan-African

Education, Entrepreneurship & Employability organization.  

We are shaping productive human capital for transformational sustainable socio-economic development through our unique, innovative & disruptive model: Data, Interventions & Advocacy. 

We address social inequity in Africa through Education, Entrepreneurship & Employability,

with our disruptive approach to development & philanthropy.


A world with a productive human capital driving transformational socio-economic development globally.


Achieving data-driven innovative education, employability, and entrepreneurship interventions and advocacy that drive sustainable growth and development.


Disrupting Development | Redefining Philanthropy.


Through lifelong learning and development, people can be equipped with the right education (mindset, competence and tools) to be productive whether they choose the path of entrepreneurship or employability.

Our Strategic Model


We gather & analyze data on beneficiary needs &contexts through baseline evaluation & situational analysis, using this to design, implement, and evaluate interventions.

We research insights & trends in industries & communities; share the same, to educate & inform our work & that of beneficiaries, & partners in line with SDG17.

We utilize data for advocacy, quality assurance, and impact assessment, sharing insights through channels – newsletters, strategic events, media, & commissioned reports to inform stakeholders & partners.

We provide data and research consultancy to other NGOs, private and the public sector.


We design, deliver, monitor, evaluate, and institutionalize data-driven interventions, working directly & indirectly through partnerships in

alignment with SDG17.

Our goal is not just to create time-bound programs but ensure their long-term sustainability for lasting impact.

Our interventions are Direct through programs (delivery & institutionalization) and;

Indirect through supporting our individual(Lead4Change)

& institutional partners, implement & scale their interventions through

funding, resources, training, data & people.


We utilize data from research and interventions to raise awareness, mobilize partnerships for scale, and institutionalize outcomes & impact to achieve our vision.

SOSF leverages data and interventions outcomes to raise awareness, mobilize partnerships, inform policies & legislation, institutionalize interventions for long term sustainable impact, drive thought leadership & scale its work through its alumni and partners.

We conduct advocacy through (i) our Beneficiaries/Ambassadors

as catalysts of change (ii) Volunteer Mobilization (iii) Stakeholder Engagement & Coalition Formation (iv) Data & Research (v) Mainstreaming / institutionalizing interventions; (vi) Awareness Building (vii) Policy & Regulation Design & Implementation.

Our Interventions are direct & indirect

Our interventions involve programs (direct) and initiatives (indirect)

SOSF Initiatives & Challenges

SOSF initiatives and challenges represent non-programmatic interventions, challenges and co-implementation of programs designed and led by partners, in furtherance of SDGs 17 – partnership for the goals. Our work here involves innovative partnerships with CORPORATES & INDIVIDUALS.

Individual Innovative Partnership: SOSF implements the biennial Lead4Change Initiative, where exceptional social and commercial innovators across Africa are trained, supported, mentored and funded to deliver game-changing innovative solutions to socio-economic challenges – eco-friendly furniture, e-commerce, STEM-Entrepreneurship for vulnerable groups, water access, employability skills development for youth.

Corporate Innovative Partnerships: We have co-implemented pursuant to SDG 17 with several leading institutions globally including Opportunity Desk, AREA I, Open Fees Foundation, IRSD, Secondary Education Board, MTN, UNICEF and British Council on curriculum development & design, capacity building, teacher training, spelling bees, manual development & dissemination, and so much more.

SOSF Bridge

The SOSF Bridge program builds Life, Career, Academic, Technical, Vocational and Enterprise Skills in youth in government secondary schools.

This through workshops deployed by trained school teachers/trainers & opportunities provided through partners and mentors.

It connects junior & senior secondary-age education to higher education, employment & entrepreneurship. 

The program supplements what schools teach and how they teach it, so that young people are equipped with the essential knowledge, attitude and skills to start businesses, innovate, work and drive development in their communities.

It is delivered in 3 parts:

  1. Basic for Junior Secondary 3 Students,
  2. Intermediate for Senior Secondary 1 – 3 &
  3. Advanced for Tertiary Students.

SOSF Headstart

The SOSF Headstart program is a sector-based entrepreneurship and livelihoods program for vulnerable and low-income populations in the informal economy across Africa. The core intervention is the “agropreneur” program.

Phase 1 of “agropreneur” is focused on farmers across high-value agricultural produce including cassava, plantain and vegetables to enhance overall yields, productivity where integrated value chains are viable and improve overall farmer income/livelihood.

Phase 2 is focused on processing primary agricultural produce, into finished goods, thereby moving up the value chain to industrialize.

The program provides:

  1. Technical and business skills capacity development
  2. Access to critical inputs e.g. tools, herbicide, fertilizer and improved seed varieties
  3. Funding and business advisory support and
  4. Continuous monitoring and evaluation

Our Pillars & Core Values


We are responsible and provide the best quality in our work, while ensuring belief in social responsibility, openness, transparency and accountability to one and other, and all stakeholders, beneficiaries and partners.

We “walk the talk” and our word is our bond.


We value learning and feedback, and believe in the importance of sharing knowledge, skills and experiences to scale impact.

We partner with individuals and institutions that share our values, mission and vision.


We seek to deliver long-term sustainable, holistic and data-driven interventions.

We believe in advocacy based on proofs of concept and impact as the avenue for entrenching lasting change.

At the heart of our work is our focus on building human capital to drive socio-economic change in their communities.

Our Track Record Speaks

Our USPs


Efficient Use of Capital

SOSF has effectively reached over 100,000 people across a diverse range of countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa, Sierra Leone, DRC Congo, Macedonia, India, United Kingdom, and Brazil in Latin America.

Remarkably, this achievement has been accomplished with a judicious investment of approximately 100 million Naira over the course of nine years. The foundation takes great care in managing its financial resources, with a significant focus on minimizing overheads.

The primary emphasis lies in allocating the majority of funds towards delivering highly impactful interventions and nurturing sustainability. This approach ensures that every capital investment is utilized efficiently, directly benefiting the communities you serve.


Uniquely Catalytic Approach

The foundation’s catalytic approach is multifaceted and aimed at fostering sustainable and widespread change. It encompasses several critical elements:

  1. Empowering ambassadors who serve as passionate advocates for the foundation’s mission and actively support its work.
  2. Encouraging beneficiaries to not only benefit from interventions themselves but also to propagate these interventions to others, effectively multiplying the impact.
  3. Attracting many ambassadors who transition into donors and investors, illustrating their ongoing commitment to the foundation’s mission.
  4. Leveraging social change projects as platforms for ambassadors to advocate for, and ultimately institutionalize, the foundation’s work within their communities.

This unique approach positions your organization as a dynamic catalyst for lasting change.


Integration of Data, Interventions & Advocacy

The foundation’s strategy revolves around the seamless integration of data, interventions, and


a.    Data is harnessed to inform the design and evaluation of interventions, guaranteeing that these initiatives are grounded in real-world insights.

b.     Advocacy efforts are bolstered by compelling data, enabling the foundation to make a persuasive case for lasting change and sustainable impact.

c.     This holistic approach ensures that every aspect of the foundation’s work is aligned and

reinforced, enhancing its overall effectiveness.


Advocacy for Institutionalization

Advocacy for SOSF is a purpose-driven endeavor focused on institutionalizing meaningful change.

Key components include:

  1. Advocacy efforts are guided by tangible proofs of concept and demonstrated impact, emphasizing the foundation’s commitment to evidence-based interventions.
  2. Ambassadors play a pivotal role in advocating for institutionalization. They serve as champions of change, working to ensure that the foundation’s work is embedded in the institutions and communities it serves.

The Foundation’s advocacy efforts extend beyond mere rhetoric, aiming to entrench lasting change through institutional adoption. This strategic vision underlines your organization’s dedication to creating sustainable transformations.


Our Interventions are Direct & Indirect

SOSF embraces a multifaceted approach that encompasses both direct and indirect interventions:

  1.  The foundation not only implements interventions directly but also empowers individuals and organizations with essential tools, resources, and funding to enhance their capabilities.
  2. This support enables beneficiaries to deploy impactful interventions tailored to their unique contexts, multiplying the foundation’s reach and effect.
  3. By fostering indirect interventions, the foundation contributes to the creation of a network of change-makers, thereby promoting sustainability and scalability.

Our Work is Data Driven & Contextualized

SOSF places data at the heart of its operations.

A profound understanding of the power of data is evident in the organization’s approach:

  1. Data serves as the compass for contextualizing interventions, ensuring that each solution is tailored to the unique needs and nuances of the communities it aims to serve.
  2. This data-driven strategy not only allows the foundation to deliver solutions that are highly relevant and effective but also equips it with the knowledge required for evidence-based advocacy efforts.


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